Diversity Equality & Inclusion

Alongside our core principles of Team Work, Respect, Trust & Excellent Service, Westcotts are committed to Diversity Equality & Inclusion (DEI). Only through a truly inclusive approach to our business can we create the firm that our teams and communities deserve.

DEI can be approached in many ways. Some of these approaches are compliance driven – the better ones take the compliance and then build on it to demonstrate belief. At Westcotts we take the belief route.

Of course, as a leading, regional firm with over 280 team members we do the compliance without hesitation. We monitor and assess and change continually to ensure that every interaction with our firm is as inclusive as we can make it.

Westcotts are committed to creating a work environment free of harassment, bullying, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, by promoting all principles of dignity, equality, diversity and fairness for all. Individual differences and the contributions of all team members are recognised and valued.

Our most recent diversity monitoring told us that:
  • We have team members in every age group from 16 up to 75 years old and over, with at least 8% of the team in every 5 year grouping up to the age of 65
  • 64% of the team are female
  • 3% of the team consider themselves to have a disability according to the definition in the Equality Act
  • We employ a mix of races and nationalities
  • 5% indicated that their sexual orientation is LGBTQI+
  • Our team members have a varied educational background with 37% having a degree, 40% with at least one A Level, 14% with GCSE’s, and 6% who didn’t wish to say. Many trainees are now coming to the profession without a degree and finding that our approach offers success and options beyond that available from university.
Diversity Equality & Inclusion

Those results are the ones routinely monitored as part of compliance efforts to create working environments free of harassment, bullying, victimisation and unlawful discrimination.

However, we all understand that differences come in many shapes and sizes – family structures, invisible disabilities, religion and beliefs, financial background etc. At Westcotts we look to see the whole person and extend our DEI approach to all the differences that make our team members such a vibrant and exciting group. A group where everyone can develop, feel respected, and able to give of their best.

So, how do we go beyond compliance? How do we live DEI through our firm?

  • Our firm is one of the few led by a female senior partner
  • DEI is on the agenda of each and every Board meeting
  • We have appointed a senior member of the partnership team to head our DEI efforts
  • Whole team training is given regularly through online tools and also by presentations at team updates. The most recent face-to-face training was scored at 94% when anonymous feedback was sought
  • 35% of our partners and directors are already female and that proportion is growing all the time
  • We have changed our approach to recruitment to make it more inclusive and are looking to make similar changes in every other aspect of our business
  • And, most importantly, we talk about these things – amongst ourselves and with our clients and communities

DEI is a journey - not a destination.

Stuart Carrington
Lead Partner for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion at Westcotts
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